Spring Fridays

    Friday, April 11, 2025 at 9:30 AM until 3:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

    Washington College
    300 Washington Ave
    Chestertown, MD 21620
    United States

    See what a Friday in the Spring is truly like at Washington College. Spend the day with us and hear from our faculty, attend a class with current students, eat lunch in the dining hall, and tour campus with one of our George’s Generals. There will also be a special parent session that will cover everything from applying to career services, finances to student life, and much more!
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    Send me important updates via text (standard fees apply).
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    Academic Information
    Begin typing the name of your High School or Higher Ed Institution until it appears in the suggestion list beneath your text, then choose it from the list.

    Note: If you are home schooled, enter code 970000 and select the option that comes up.
    Address of High School
    Address of High School

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